GAIA S.A. MELETON provides integrated solutions in Town Planning. Town Planning specifies and implements the guidelines of the overlying tiers of design, namely, the Structure plans. This includes the definition of regulated land uses in the new blocks and building regulations for construction sites, determining communal and public spaces that are essential to a village or a town, and addressing issues concerning traffic organization of the region and the necessary infrastructure projects that should be implemented in order to create a sustainable, quality urban environment.
The Town Planning projects (Category 02) mainly include:
- Urban development of City expansions and revisions to City plans.
- Urban development of seasonal residence areas
- Urban development of traditional settlements
- Urban development of industrial parks and industrial areas
- Urban planning of housing associations areas
- Reformations of degraded areas
The Town Planning projects are accompanied by supporting projects, which usually relate to hydraulic projects for the delimitation of streams and geological suitability projects for the examination and documentation of the appropriateness of the residential area. It also requires excellent cooperation with Public Services (e.g. the relevant Forest Service in order to grant the necessary characterization acts, archaeological services, etc.) and finally with the Municipality on whose behalf the project is developed, to ensure maximum possible social consensus, which is a key parameter for the successful completion and implementation of these Projects.
The Town Planning division features fully trained and experienced personnel that offers profound scientific knowledge, is aware of the planning legislation and the proper interpretation of it and is constantly updated on developments in urban planning, both in Greece and elsewhere in Europe. Moreover, the excellent and continued engagement with stakeholders, supervisors, and with the local communities is encouraged; aiming to generate outcomes that enjoy common acceptance.
Coordinator of Town Planning Department is Dr. Oikonomou Efstathios and substitute coordinator is Mrs. Kalkopoulou Kornilia.