Completion of Digitalization of property boundaries & Cadastre for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline

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Completion of Digitalization of property boundaries & Cadastre for the Trans Adriatic Pipeline

GAIA SA MELETON as a member of the joint venture TOPMAPS (GAIAS SA, MAKEDONIKI ETM EE, GEOMATICS SA) undertook the “Digitalization of existing cadastral data in Greece for Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP)” in order to collect, georeference and digitize all available existing cadastral data that are necessary for the affected rights recording, in the framework of the construction of TAP. It also undertook the “Update of cadastre in Greece” in order to verify and update the existing cadastre and to supplement with all data that are necessary for the affected rights recording, in the framework of the construction of TAP.
The Trans Adriatic Pipeline – TAP will transport gas via Greece and Albania and across the Adriatic sea to Italy’s southern Puglia region and further to Western Europe. The project is aimed at enhancing supply security as well as diversifying gas supplies for the European markets.
TAP plans to open a new southern gas corridor to Europe and market outlet for natural gas from the Caspian Sea regions. The project is designed to expand transmission capacity from 10 to 20 bcm / year.
On 12.31.2015 the project was successfully completed and we terminated the operation of the TAP offices in Central Macedonia due to the completion of the project.
Our company continious to support the significant project of the TAP pipeloine, by providing technical support to the costructor companies Spiecapag – Aktor.