Engineers of Messinia: The mockery has limits and our strengths now have dried up

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Engineers of Messinia: The mockery has limits and our strengths now have dried up

Text-protest to the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity for Insurance issued the Coordinating of Engineers of Messinia, in which, including,, noted: It is now known that the sector of engineering has received a heavy blow from the beginning of the economic crisis, which, due to the recession and mishandling and policies is getting every year and more heavy.
The status quo of qualified engineers is most dramatic, with unprecedented unemployment with massive underemployment rates, the construction activity at nadir, with thousands of offices to put “padlock” and thousands of colleagues to migrate in droves abroad. And the engineers who have been in Greece, apart from the above, they face economic strangulation, overtaxation unjust and exorbitant increased contributions.
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