Our sensitivity to social and environmental issues combined with the continuous effort to contribute to a better future define the social responsibility that characterizes our company.
At GAIA S.A. MELETON we make sure that we always provide our services free of charge to selected clients & Charity Foundations in order to maintain their sustainability and commitment to their goals.
Also, within the framework of corporate social responsibility, our company participates as a sponsor in various actions of social , charity, or educational content. The following recent actions are indicative of our company’s commitment to social responsibility:
• Participation as sponsors in the Charity Gala at the “Hyatt Thessaloniki”, organized by Ahepa Hellas on 05/05/2023 in support of the AHEPA Hospital.
• Participation as gold sponsors in the 6th Panhellenic Conference on “Town Planning, Spatial Planning and Regional Development” which took place in Volos on 29/9-2/10/2022.
• Participation as sponsors for the event of the employees of the Municipality of Pylaia Hortiatis in the context of the annual cutting of the pie.
• Participation as sponsors for the “Commercial – Touristic & Cultural Exhibition on the coastal road of Perea”, Municipality of Thermaikos, June 25-26, 2022.
• Continuous participation in internship programs with the aim of our contribution to the essential education and practical training of future engineers.