GAIA SA has been certified by ICAP as one of the “Strongest Companies in Greece”
We are quite pleased to announce that our company has been assigned a high Credit Rating by ICAP and, consequntly, has been certified as one of the “Strongest Companies in Greece”. This important acknowledgement verifies our creditworthiness and links us to the most powerful enterprises in Greece, ready to face the challenges of our times.
The “Strongest Companies in Greece” is a community of entreprises that are ranked at the highest Credit Ratings of ICAP Group.
ICAP Group is recognized by the Bank of Greece as an External Credit Assessment Institution and by the European Central Bank as an Accepted Rating Tool Source.
Only one in ten companies in Greece meet the criteria to be included in the community of “Strongest Companies”.
Therefore, membership to the community is quite exclusive and its members are indeed the most creditworthy companies in Greece.